Moores' documentaries are more or less the crude kind, to me, but crude in a very attention whoring way, you can't ignore, can't just overlook, crude but visceral...Bowling for Columbine is a film i will always remember
有点日剧英美剧的味道饮食男女人之大欲存焉第一集 还做不做了干第七八集夜店咖陈正道本色暴露无遗多线群戏流畅丝滑第十四集 drag queen, les, gay不愧是陈正道勇敢爱第十六集 我也要做面包好吃么学会接受喜欢的人不喜欢自己你们根本就是两个世界的人呀第十八集世界上有些人光做自己就需要很大的勇气你就不能勇担一点吗You&I by Aila Gato&Philip HallounTitanium by Sia太美好了为什么软的那么快只是一场梦吧